Getting a Medicare Mattress At No Cost

Many older adults rely on home medical equipment (HME) like hospital beds, oxygen concentrators, wheelchairs, walkers, or other devices with the goal of the patient being able to live as comfortably and safely as possible.

Also, they hope to have reduced pain, and have improved sleep with the extra comfort over a normal mattress. If you have medicare coverage and most of these items may be covered at no cost to you.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services may cover the Medicare beds under the benefits of Part B Durable Medical Equipment (DME) if a physician writes a prescription providing detailed documentation of the medical condition, establishes the medical necessity, and after the claim has been approved.

Medicare mattresses also fall under this category, but the patient must purchase or rent a certain type that is approved by Medicare. Only certain beds qualify, and not all mattresses qualify. Coverage varies depending on the specifics of your Medicare plan, so consult with an expert before spending money to ensure exactly what you qualify for. You could end up saving a lot of money depending on your plan. Otherwise, Medicare might require that you rent or buy the bed or mattress yourself.

Does Medicare Pay for Adjustable Beds for Seniors?

Adjustable beds are hospital beds that help with various medical and health issues such as relieving, curing, and minimizing respiratory and circulatory health issues and moderate to severe pain. The beds can also assist a patient to get in and out of the bed with ease and comfort. They are likely covered by Medicare's durable medical equipment benefits as long as the proper requirements are met and a doctor has prescribed the particular bed for use in the home based on medical needs.

Once a prescription is attained, the bed must be supplied by a Medicare supplier who accepts assignment.

  • Medicare only covers some of the expense, and a secondary insurance company may partially pay, or the patient has the financial responsibility.

  • If you prefer to rent, that allows for rental payments for 13 months, at which time the bed is paid in full and there are no further payments required.

Medicare Mattress Companies

The Medicare program's participating suppliers fulfill the need for a hospital bed if it is deemed to be medically necessary, they have to keep the health care costs down, and the amount paid is pre-negotiated. Medicare does not cover adjustable beds purchased outside of the network.

How Do You Apply for Coverage?

As stated above, your doctor must prescribe the particulars as to the type of equipment that is medically necessary for your health every day and give the exact diagnosis of what you require and why. It is always best for those If you are enrolled in Medicare, contact your plan directly for the necessary pre-authorization.

Medicare Reimbursement

Even if your physician determines that there is a medically necessary purpose for the equipment, that does not mean it will be approved. The recommendation is considered but must still be approved by Medicare before payment of specifically approved types while other variations will not be paid. Think of it as similar to prescriptions where some are approved without a problem and others are not.